Monday, March 24, 2008

Progress Report: 1 Month

Little Miss Maia hit the one-month mark a few days ago. A lot has happened in her first month of life!

At first, Little Miss Maia had a hard time doing anything else but sleeping (kind of like her Daddy!) We had to make sure we woke her up every few hours to eat, and we had to put cold washcloths on her face just to keep her awake long enough to finish a meal. Now, she wakes up on her own when she's hungry (though she still sleeps for long stretches at night, which Mommy and Daddy really appreciate) and her waking-up ritual is one of our favorite parts of the day: first comes the grunting, then the succession of strange faces, then the stretching, and of course, the farting. I could write an entire paragraph about this girl's farting skills, but suffice it to say that she produced a sound the other day that prompted someone to ask if Mommy had done it.

Now that Little Miss Maia spends more time awake, she's started to enjoy a few of the many, many toys she has already accumulated. She especially likes her rainforest play mat and her rainforest waterfall soother. She also likes to look at lights and at the black-and-white art in our living room (her favorite artists are Philippe Halsman and Uncle Mike).

Punching Daddy in the face and spitting up are a few of Little Miss Maia's other favorite pastimes. She has spit up down Mommy's shirt and onto Daddy's face. Fun times!

Mommy and Daddy enjoy making up bizarre nicknames for their daughter. This month's nicknames include "Punkinhead" and "Little Arby Cheddarhead" (pronounced: Lil' Aaaah-bee Chee-da-heed). Don't ask, really.

1 comment:

BeckyBumbleFuck said...

Ha! And now you can see how Noel answers to many names that are very far removed from her real one....