Something strange has been going on this week, and I still don't understand it. Mommy keeps putting this weird-tasting thing in my mouth and I end up a mess. What is the point of this?
What's that? You want some more rice cereal action? Well then, enjoy this video!
P.S. Now I eat in my high chair, isn't it cool?
Hi Sarah and Jeremy, Maia is very cute!! She seems to be doing great! I love to check her blog to see what she is up to these days! Try sweet potatoes next, she may like them better! Rooma
Hi Sweet Maia: Grammy (aka Babchi) and Opa think your Mommy and Daddy should add some fresh honey to your cereal to make it taste better! We had the giggles watching your video!! Love you much!
Maia, maybe when you are here your great grandpa Sonny will give you a little whiskey on a spoon like he did to your mommy. Or maybe Grandma Ellie will let you have some ice cream - you will like that much better!!!
Hi Sarah and Jeremy,
Maia is very cute!! She seems to be doing great! I love to check her blog to see what she is up to these days!
Try sweet potatoes next, she may like them better!
Hi Sweet Maia:
Grammy (aka Babchi) and Opa think your Mommy and Daddy should add some fresh honey to your cereal to make it taste better! We had the giggles watching your video!!
Love you much!
that video is HY-larious! i like the part where maia reaches for the boob.
Maia, maybe when you are here your great grandpa Sonny will give you a little whiskey on a spoon like he did to your mommy. Or maybe Grandma Ellie will let you have some ice cream - you will like that much better!!!
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