Monday, March 2, 2009

Progress Report: 1 Year

Now that I'm a year old, here are some things you should know about me!

I love music and I love to dance. When I hear music I like to bounce, wiggle, and shake my head back and forth. Sometimes I even wave my hands in the air like I just don't care.

I like to feed myself, and I love my veggies. Peas are still my favorite, but green beans, broccoli, carrots...I like them all. No matter what, I will always eat cheese. And bananas. I can drink from a sippy cup but I like straws better. I know what to do with a spoon but I just need some more practice to make it work.

I can say some words: mama, dada, kitty, "this" (I like to point at "this" and "this" and "this" all day long - it's a fun game for Mommy and Daddy to guess what I'm pointing to), hi, doggie. I understand a lot more words than that though. And I am learning animal sounds too. The owl says "booooo" and the kitty says "meow" and the cow says...well I don't know how to spell it out but I can make the sound pretty good just like my farm toy [a low, rumbling "mmmmmmm"].

I can crawl so fast now it'll make your head spin! I can walk pretty good too if I'm holding on to something but I'm not quite ready to let go yet. I like to walk around pushing my car toy. I can climb up the stairs too if Mommy or Daddy watches me.

Right now I have 2 and a half teeth (the third one is only halfway out!) all on the bottom. But there are 4 on the top that are ready to pop right now. Pretty soon I'll have a big smile with lots of teeth to brush.

Let's see, what else? I can wave hi and bye-bye, I can put my finger to my lips and say "shhh", and I am learning how to put the right shapes in the right holes in my shape sorter. I am learning new things every day! I can't wait to keep sharing them with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're doing so much new stuff. Good for you.