Friday, January 2, 2009

Little Miss Maia has a Merry Christmas, Part One

I am a very lucky girl, because I got to have two Christmases this year! Mommy and I went on the airplane to Chicago to visit Grandma Ellie and Grandpa Ken. But first, I helped Mommy and Daddy with some decorations at home.

Daddy gets a big kiss for letting me help with the lights.
Grandpa Ken was very happy to see me. I hear he's turned into a big softie now that I'm around.
All of Mommy's family came over to help me celebrate my first Christmas. Mommy put a fancy party dress on me, and I made sure to puke on it just a little bit right away. Mommy cleaned it up and then we took some pictures.
Grandpa Ken is as tall as the trees! OK, well at least this tree.
Great Aunt Ummy, Great Uncle Greg, and cousins Whitney and Audrey came over a little early to meet me.

Here I am with Grandpa Ken, Grandma Ellie, Aunt Maggie, and Mommy.
Aunt Maggie and I had a good time together. She wanted to take me out drinking but Mommy said no.
Here I am with Great Uncle Big George. He's funny.
I showed my cousins my new karaoke setup and we jammed out to "The Wiggle Song".
Cousin Jackie helped me open presents.
Here I am with my Great Grandpa, and all of the grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) except for two (Julie and Matt). Girls rule!
Another family picture...I guess they wanted one with me wearing this fancy new head bow!
Here I am with my Great Grandpa!
We had so much fun opening presents and playing, but soon it was time to put on my Santa PJs and go to bed.
The next morning, there were even more presents to open! I guess Santa made a special trip to Chicago to find me at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I liked climbing on the presents more than opening them!
I got some books, and a cool musical cube from Aunt Maggie.
What's this?!
It's Elmo!
And he laughs and falls over when I tickle him!
Silly Elmo!
The best way to end a morning of opening presents? Napping on my favorite Aunt's lap.

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