Friday, April 25, 2008

we are family

Hi everybody! I've had a very busy week. First, I helped my Great Grandma (aka G.G.) celebrate her birthday. I look pretty comfy in her lap, don't you think?

Here's a picture of Grammy and G.G. talking about how cute I am. I'm sure they could spend hours on that topic!

My Uncle Kris was in town to visit. We got in a few good cuddles before I spit up all over his designer shirt. I sure didn't do that on purpose. No way. *wink*
Uncle Mike and Uncle Kris wanted to make sure I get a jump start on learning all the important things in life.

And look! Opa actually looks kind of comfortable with me in his arms. I knew he'd come around.

A few days later, Grandma Ellie and Grandpa Ritz came to visit. Here they are making me feel better after I got my first set of shots .
I was a much happier baby later on that day.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Little Miss Maia is such a little cutie. It looks like she has a lot of people that love her.
f/jana @ babyfit